How to manifest what you want quickly by making the right decisions.

Our decisions are absolutely crucial for our manifestations. In this guide, I will tell you which decisions you must make to manifest faster and more easily.

Why am I writing this article

If there's one thing I get asked more than anything, it's this:

"Verena, why is my manifestation taking so long?"

"Verena, how can I speed up the manifestation process?"

And I have a slightly unpopular opinion about it that some people just don't want to hear. How come? Because it means YOU have to get moving, not just wait for your much-quoted "order from the universe"... #badadvice

So are you really ready for the truth? And I don't mean the "oh-great-then-I-can-sit-back-and-wait" truth. I mean the "okay let's do it" truth. Ok, here she is:

Manifestations are triggered by your decisions.

Now your first thought might be - "Ok, that doesn't sound like a lot of work. I'll just make a decision and then I’m done with it."

No, no, dear. By decision I don't mean the simple thought that you are making a decision. Because that's tantamount to making a New Year's resolution ("I'm deciding to exercise more this year.").

And we know very well that these decisions often stay where they are born, which is in our heads alone.

That's why there are so many people sitting on their couch right now, surrounded by their favorite crystals and tarot cards, meditating their butts sore and wondering why the universe isn't finally delivering their order.

Well, that's like sitting in front of the mirror and waiting for the reflection to move first.

(PS: nothing against crystals or tarot cards, I own and use some myself regularly... 😏)

Of course, waiting is also a decision. And that also triggers a manifestation - namely more waiting.

But the decisions that finally trigger the manifestations that we desire that are on our vision board are the ones that we actually implement. The decisions that actually have consequences. These are the choices that trigger manifestations.

So why are our choices so important for the manifestation process?

Let me start at the beginning:

For a long time, the law of attraction was seen as "ordering from the universe". ARRRRGH!!!! It really makes my hair stand on end! So many wasted dreams and visions. So many hours of uncertainty and disappointment have been caused by this.

And all because of course it is easier to sell an "ideology" that demands ZERO point zero commitment from its buyer. You are suggested to simply order from the universe and then you can sit back and just WAIT for the universe to deliver. But here's the full truth:

Yes, there are those magical miracle moments of synchronicity and magical circumstances in which your wish magically comes to your doorstep... But they only come about through your decision to go in the right direction with everything you have.

The basis: The mirror metaphor

That's why I often use my famous "mirror metaphor" to describe the process of manifestation. If you want to read more about it - here I have put together information about this metaphor and our concept.

That's why I often use my famous "mirror metaphor" to describe the process of manifestation. If you want to read more about it - here I have put together information about this metaphor and our concept.

And these movements are always preceded by our decisions. And each and every one of those choices that we make triggers a manifestation from the universe. Just like every movement of you triggers a movement of your reflection.

Step 1: The most important decision of all

So now you know YOU have to move first because that sets in motion the manifestations of the universe. Which brings us to your very first - and most important - decision.

Where do you actually want to move?

And I know your first thoughts are definitely going to be on very specific things. Most would now begin to think of specific goals.

"What were my New Year's resolutions again this year?" 🤔

"What did I want to earn again this year?" 💶

"How many pounds did I want to lose again?" ⚖️

"How many rooms should my dream house have again?" 🏡

But the universe is holistic. And it helps us to manifest in its entirety.

This is why so many people have trouble manifesting certain things. They focus on a specific outcome. And then quickly get frustrated and sad when THIS ONE result doesn't manifest itself.

But the universe does not see us and life as separate outcomes. It sees everything as a whole. So if a manifestation, for example in the job area, does not correspond to our "big picture", then it will not manifest itself in our life.

The better way is to focus on the big picture. This is exactly why we at All About Glück have developed our manifestation concept. And the "big picture" is our vision for the future.

  • Where do you want to steer your life?

  • What should it look like in 1, 3 or 5 years?

  • Then who do you want to be?

  • And above all, how do you want to feel?

PS: By the way, you can write all of this in the ManifestaKtionsplaner. You cannot plan manifestations, but you can plan the actions that trigger those manifestations (aka ManifestaCtions). We have developed an annual planner that will help you with this!

PS 2: Are you having trouble deciding which direction you really want your life to go? Are you afraid of making the wrong decision? Then I recommend this blog post about decision making and intuition. There you will learn to distinguish between your fears and the really important objections of your inner voice.

PS 3: Or you can download our 3 journal questions. If you have answered these, then you certainly have a crystal clear path ahead of you.


Step 2: Chunk it out

With your vision for the future, the big decision has now been made. The general direction is clear. But of course that is only the first decision of many. Now it's about making the decisions that will get you focused in exactly this direction and transform your life.

And for that you have to align each of your further decisions, the big ones and the everyday ones, with your vision of the future (the decision for the big picture). That sounds so insanely simple, doesn't it? But simple in this case does not mean = easy.

Here at All About Glück, we aim to make manifestation absolutely everyday and simple. And that's why we have developed a concept in which we have divided our life, our everyday life, into 12 areas of life. And we not only proceeded philosophically, but above all practically.

In which areas of life does making decisions make the most sense and is most sustainable for the manifestation process?

In this concept, we make monthly decisions for each individual area of life. And of course align them with our vision for the future. Because as you now know, these decisions set you, and of course the universe, in motion.

Steps 3: Chunks become habits

Ok, now let's really get down to business! Do you know how many people block their manifestations from the universe? They make all the right decisions, large and small, but then the actual implementation fails. The implementation is just a series of decisions. Here we are talking about the micro-decisions. Aka the habits.

Habits are a mechanism built into us humans that allow us to make decisions on autopilot, because that uses less brain capacity and therefore less energy. And reprogramming that autopilot is a mammoth task.

You surely know the expression: "People are creatures of habit"? That is exactly what is meant here.

The difficulty is that we are not in full control of habits. Our brain makes these decisions automatically according to a certain pattern, without our conscious effort. This pattern is what I call the autopilot.

An example from life:

Have you ever rearranged drawers in a dresser? And didn't you ALWAYS go to the wrong drawer for the first few days afterwards, where the things were in before? 😋

Example 2:

Has someone ever asked you for your pin number and at first you couldn't remember it? Only when you let your hand run over the pin pad while thinking in your mind, only then it was very easy... 🤯

This is the power of the autopilot in our brain.

So the next step is to program the autopilot for the very small, automated decisions in the direction of our vision of the future, and thus our manifestations.

Trying to consciously make every single micro-decision in the moment would be an absolute waste of time and energy. And actually not possible at all, because there are just too many myriad decisions a day. So what to do?

Science roughly estimates that it takes about 21 days to automate a habit - i.e. until the moment when the decision to implement this habit takes place automatically in your head.

Therefore, in our ManifestaCtion concept, we change the habits of ONE area of life per month. At the end of this month, the new ManifestaCtion habits are so firmly established that we move one step, one area of life forward.

Now you're probably asking yourself: "Verena, where's the end?!"

"I can't possibly align all the habits of one area of life with my vision for the future in one month." You are absolutely right. And neither should you.

The good thing about these thought patterns or habits is that once you start programming, you can take advantage of your brain's propensity for automation. It's like a snowball principle. The more habits you successfully reprogram, the faster you can program the next ones in the right direction. And the more you program in the right direction, the more manifestations will be triggered. These are the wondrous synchronicities I spoke of earlier.

At some point you no longer need to decide, because you WILL become the person who lives your dream life. You manifest through BEING alone. And this is usually the moment when the next stage of development is waiting for you.

So theoretically, the end is where your life looks exactly like your vision board. 😅

But I don't know anyone, really nobody, who has come to the end. Because let's be honest: once you know how to manifest successfully, after every manifestation there is another, more exciting manifestation. We grow with our manifestations.


  1. Every decision we make triggers a manifestation from the universe. Which manifestation is triggered depends on the nature of our decisions. When I choose to focus on the negative, more negativity is manifested. The same happens in the positive direction.

  2. The most important decision is our big picture. Our future vision.

  3. The second step is to break down the vision of the future into smaller decisions based on areas of life.

  4. The third step is then the everyday decisions, the habits.

  5. The more decisions you program on autopilot, the more manifestations you trigger. So the faster you manifest.

Strictly speaking, every decision is an entry into another reality. Every time you make one decision or the other, you change your future forever through the manifestations you trigger.

So, are you ready to choose your new reality? 🪄

I will continue to actively support you by developing manifestation tools that are suitable for everyday use, simple and absolutely life-changing. That's my promise to you.

Until then, SHINE ON! 💫


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Verena Freit


Life Coachin


Ehefrau und Mutter

Manifestieren lernen: Eine Einführung in die Kraft der Manifestation.


Richtige Entscheidungen treffen für schnelle Manifestation! Eine Komplettanleitung.